| | | Annual Percentage Rate (APR)
| Monthly Payments Per $1,000
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*For Jumbo Mortgage inquiries please call 978.219.1000, ext 0122 or 0104. Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is based on a $100,000 Loan Amount and a 20% Down Payment. Maximum 80% LTV. Maximum Loan Amount $500,000. Property Insurance required on all Mortgage, Home Improvement and Home Equity Loans. Payments shown do not include taxes or insurance. Your payment may be greater. Rates are subject to change without notice.
| | | Annual Percentage Rate (APR)
| Monthly Payments Per $1,000
Prime Minus 0.500% for Life
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*Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is variable and is subject to change without notice. 10-year draw, 10-year fixed repayment period. Maximum 80% LTV. Home Equity Line of Credit rate is based on the Prime Rate (7.500% As of 12/18/2024) as published in The Wall Street Journal. The minimum APR (floor) is 3.000%. The maximum APR (ceiling) is 18.00%. New Loans Only, unless existing St. Jean’s Credit Union Line increases by $15,000 or more.