The failure of Silicon Valley Bank has sent the financial world into a tailspin with many of us wondering about the safety of our hard-earned savings. We would like to assure you that all deposits at St. Jean’s Credit Union are fully insured by both the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) and the Massachusetts Share Insurance Corporation (MSIC).

St. Jean’s Credit Union was founded in 1910 on the principle of serving our membership and our surrounding communities. As Massachusetts’ first credit union we continue to live by the motto of “people helping people” remaining true to our mission.

The Board of Directors, senior management team and staff remain committed to fulfilling your financial needs today and every day going forward as your trusted financial partner for years to come.

In addition to providing 100% deposit protection on all deposits, St. Jean’s Credit Union offers products and services to help build strong futures. As a member of St. Jean’s, you have access to our experienced team, standing strong and ready to answer any questions or concerns that you may have.