Effective December 1, 2022 |
Fees Applicable to All Accounts | |
Low Balance Fee (Single Account Relationship & Balance Below $25) | |
Account Research (per hour) | |
Account Research (per page) | |
Return of Deposited/Cashed Item | |
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• Mortgage or Loan Payment | |
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Annual Dormant Account Fee | |
Yearly Remittance to State after No Member Generated Activity for 3 Years | |
Overdraft Fee on Electronic Debit | |
Stop Payment on Electronic Debit | |
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Withdrawal Fee (Club Account Early Withdrawal Fee) | |
Loan Payment Book Replacement | |
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IRA Transfer Fee or Closeout Fee | |
Notice of Government Levy | |
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Share Draft Checking Accounts | |
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Transfer Fee (Overdraft Transfer from a Deposit Source) | |
Return Item Fee (NSF, Insufficient Funds, Uncollected)+ | |
Stop Payment Order (per check) | |
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Temporary Checks (limit of 6) | |
Share Draft printing fees vary with size and style of order. You will not be notified of changes to Share Draft Printing Fees. | |
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3×5 Initial Fee and Annual Fee | |
5×5 Initial Fee and Annual Fee | |
3×10 Initial Fee and Annual Fee | |
5×10 Initial Fee and Annual Fee | |
10×10 Initial Fee and Annual Fee | |
stjeans@home / Bill Payment & Presentment | |
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Bill Payment & Presentment | |
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Self-Service Coin Machine | |
| 3.00% of total coin exchange |
| 10.00% of total coin exchange |
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Credit Union Checks / Money Orders | |
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Treasurer’s Check Replacement | |
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Copy of Treasurer’s Check | |
ATM / Debit Card Transactions
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All transactions at a St. Jean’s Credit Union machine are free. | |
Withdrawal ATM Fee (Per Transaction after four (4) per month at a foreign terminal*)
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ATM / Debit Card Inquiries (Per Transaction after four (4) per month at foreign terminals*) | |
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Copy of ATM / Debit Card Draft | |
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Occasional Overdraft Privilege Service (OOPS) | |
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Overdraft $10.00 – $29.99 | |
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Overdraft Fee Per Transaction (The daily limit on Overdraft Fees will be no more than $60.00. Member’s over the age of 65 will be charged a standard per item Overdraft Fee of $10.00) | |
*Some Foreign ATM Networks charge a surcharge for access to their machines. The amount of any such charges will be deducted automatically from your selected Account(s). **As set by Commissioner of Banks. This Schedule of Fee’s for all accounts sets forth certain fees and charges applicable to your credit union accounts effective 12/1/22. This schedule is incorporated as part of your membership agreement stjeans@home / Bill Payment & Presentment with the credit union. You will be notified of changes to these charges. +Members 18 years of age or under and members 65 years of age or older will be charged a per item fee of $5.00. | |